The church thrives when the body ministers to the body. This is why we emphasize the importance of using our gifts for the glory of God and the building of His church.

Emmanuel Kids Team
Volunteers with our kids ministry work with children anywhere from birth through 6th grade. There are opportunities during our Sunday Gatherings and on Wednesdays at AWANA. Roles include Teacher, Assistant, Child Check-in, Games, Crafts, Nursery, Verse Listener, and more! We're always looking for great individuals to love and serve our kids and help show the love of Christ to them.
Next Level Teens Team
Our Teens currently meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 PM for games, friendship, teaching, and bible discussions. We start the evening together playing games and hearing a message, specially crafted for middle and high school students. We also have periodic activities that require chaperones. If you are interested in serving on a regular basis or only at special events, let us know!

Music Team
Our Music Team serves our faith family by fostering opportunities for worship that glorify God and build up the church. As our team grows, we desire those who serve on our music team to do so on a rotation basis. Our music team gathers throughout the week for rehearsal and prayer. If you play an instrument or sing, let us know and we would love to plug you in with our music team.
Senior Care Team
On a regular basis, members of our faith family provide encouragement to those who are unable to leave their homes or are residents at our local nursing homes. This is a great way to show the love of Christ to those in need during this season of their lives. If you are interested in serving in this way, we can connect you with individuals who could use encouragement and partner you with those who are actively reaching this group on a regular basis.

Audio/Visual Team
Our A/V Team exists to ensure that there is a quality audio/visual experience that enhances the congregation’s ability to worship through sight and sound. This team is such a blessing to our in-person and online services. Training on our specific equipment and expectations is provided.
Hospitality Team
By creating a comfortable environment for first impressions, our hospitality team makes attending our weekly gatherings a joy! This team includes opportunities to purchase and pick up donuts, be our Fellowship Hour Host, be a Door Greeter, or open/close the facility on Sundays. If you are interested in contributing to the welcoming atmosphere of Emmanuel, this team is for you!

Missions Team
Our Missions Team helps facilitate our connection with our missionaries and informs our church family about the various happenings in their lives and ministries. Our Team gets together once a month to review information sent from our missionaries and to pray for them. This team also organizes trips and ways to encourage our partners on the mission field.
Leadership Team
Our Leadership Team consists of our Elders and Deacons. These leaders serve three year terms and are voted in to office annually in December. Our leadership meets biweekly to pray for our church family and plan for future ministry.

Discipleship Team
Those involved in our Discipleship Team help facilitate spiritual growth in new believers and those wanting to grow in their faith. Our Elders provide resources and guidance to our team members who then put together opportunities for growth and connection with those seeking discipleship.
Facilities/Grounds Team
Our Facilities/Grounds Team currently serves alongside our Deacons to help care for the grounds and buildings on our property. Members of this team help with various needs depending on their skillset. From big projects to small, this team makes a big impact through the space we meet in.

Service Team
Our Service Team serves during our Sunday Morning Gatherings by welcoming the congregation or by reading scripture. The Welcomer helps facilitate the order of service by greeting those in attendance, making announcements, and leading in congregational prayer. We also have individuals from our congregation read portions of Scripture that correspond with the sermon and service theme each week. This is a great way to express our collective love for God's Word and its relevance in our lives.
Marketing Team
Our marketing team helps with social media and all our church graphics. From helping manage our online accounts to helping with the pre/post service slides on Sunday, this team helps our digital presence remain relevant and aesthetically pleasing. If you are gifted in digital design or marketing, this is the team for you!