Kids Ministry on Mission
At Emmanuel we are focused on Fueling a Passion for Following Jesus for the entire family! We believe that parents are to be the primary disciplers of their children. Because of this, we see that our role as a faith family is to come alongside parents to encourage and equip them for this task. Every program we host is aimed at partnering with parents for the spiritual health of their whole family.
Kids on Sundays
Birth thru 35 months
Parents of children up through 35 months are welcome to bring their newborns and toddlers to our Nursery Suite in the east corridor of the Worship Center. At the Nursery welcome desk, parents will meet our nursery volunteers and check in their child. Parents will receive a identification sticker they return when picking up their child following the service.
3 years old thru 6th grade
Children 3 years old through 6th grade meet in our Gymnasium during the morning worship hour for songs, activities, and a bible lesson. Our classes are staffed with safe and caring volunteers and have age-appropriate activities and teaching, all while centering on the Bible. Each lesson comes with take-home sheets for parents to rehearse that week's teaching at home.

Kids on Wednesdays
AWANA is our mid-week discipleship program for preschool and elementary students. Children ages 3 through the 6th grade gather on Wednesday Nights from 6:00-7:30 PM (September-April) for a fun-filled evening of games, Bible lessons, and Scripture memory. We divide students into age-appropriate classes: Cubbies (3-5-year-olds), Sparks (K-2nd Grade), and T&T (3rd-6th Grade). Each evening consist of an opening time followed by large group lessons, small group discipleship, and an engaging game time. AWANA is a blast!
Emmanuel Youth
Emmanuel Youth is the name of our ministry for 7th-12th grade students where teens can worship God, connect with peers and caring adults, grow spiritually, serve others, and share the good news of the gospel with their friends.
We encourage families to come to our Fellowship Hour which begins at 9:15 AM each Sunday in the Atrium. This is a great way to get to know other families in the church and enjoy a donut! Our Teen Room is open for carpet ball, air hockey, and foosball for teens interested in hanging out a bit before the worship gathering. We then encourage teens to sit with their parents in the main worship gathering at 10:00 AM. Our gatherings center on the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we love one another, fellowship, sing, give, read, pray, hear teaching and preaching, and share in the ordinances. This is a great opportunity to see believers young and old be the Church together.
Each Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 PM our teens get together to play fun games and hear Bible teaching designed to meet teens where they are in age and Christian maturity. Although we believe that parents are the primary disciplers of their children, this weekly meeting is a great tool to help foster spiritual growth and community among our young people. If you have questions about Emmanuel Youth, Nick and Becca Bilotta would love to answer them. You can reach them at nick@emmanuelbloom.com.

We believe that the most helpful resources for parenting well are found within our faith family. Getting to know other parents while sharing experiences, truth, and prayer helps remind us that the struggles we face are not ours only. Asking questions to more experienced parents and interacting with younger adults who are barely removed from adolescents is the unique blessing of an inter-generational congregation. There are a plethora of helpful materials we will recommend, but all of them are only as good as the community you surround yourself with. Take advantage of E-kids! and Next Level Youth while you Gather Together each Sunday and Grow in Community throughout the week.
For more ideas on how to share biblical truth with your kids, consider reading Bible Reading with Your Kids by Jon Neilson.
For more ideas on how to share biblical truth with your kids, consider reading Bible Reading with Your Kids by Jon Neilson.