Followers of Jesus help others follow Jesus.
Viewing our relationships through the lens of God's providence changes how we view the people we are with. As you grow in sharing the Good News of Jesus with others, here are some tools to help you on your journey.
Viewing our relationships through the lens of God's providence changes how we view the people we are with. As you grow in sharing the Good News of Jesus with others, here are some tools to help you on your journey.
Emmanuel's Gospel Page
This well-known, four-step approach to the Gospel is a good way to give a clear explanation toward response.
Share the Gospel in 90 Seconds Video
This is a succinct example of how we can share our faith.
Navigator's Bridge Illustration
Life on Mission App
This pdf gives good examples of how to illustrate the Gospel.
Produced by the North American Mission Board, this is a great app that helps you share the Gospel.