As a local congregation, we strive to glorify God in all we do as we pursue the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) in the spirit of the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40). Our discipleship plan is simple - gather together, grow in community, and go make disciples. This pathway can be visualized through the information below.

Gather Together
We gather each week, in meaningful partnership, to worship God and build up one another. Our affections for God leak, so getting together reminds us of our mutual love for Him. Our gatherings center on the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we love one another, fellowship, sing, give, read, pray, hear teaching and preaching, and share in the ordinances. The church thrives as the body ministers to the body; therefore, we don’t spectate but wholly participate by using our God-given gifts to build up our faith family and glorify God!
Grow in Community
The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation but in community with other believers. The local church is not something we attend but a people we belong to and invest in; therefore, our progressive spiritual growth increases as we share biblical truth in love with one another. Smaller settings like Connection Groups, Bible Classes, and Serving Teams are prudent opportunities to live out our faith intentionally with authenticity and accountability.

Go Make Disciples
Followers of Jesus help others follow Jesus by sharing the Gospel with the lost and walking in the Gospel with others growing in their faith. God providentially directs our lives; therefore, we live with intention wherever we are and whomever we are with. From interacting in our everyday relationships at home, work, and in our community to missional outreach opportunities, both locally and abroad, we are striving to share the good news of the Gospel in tangible ways.