Special Plans with the Coffey's!

The team will be with us for the Fellowship Hour, our Worship Gathering, then for a pitch-in lunch following worship.

Fellowship Hour - 9:15 AM
Worship Gathering - 10:00 AM
Pitch-in Lunch - following Worship

The team will also be leading a special Kids Service during the sermon in the gymnasium. All kiddos older than nursery will join their parents for the initial portion of the service, then will be dismissed with the team following the music. Parents, please have your children check in like normal, then have them join you in the Auditorium. You will pick them up in the gymnasium after worship.

For the pitch-in right after worship, we are dividing the alphabet up for last names A-N to bring a main dish and for last names O-Z to bring a side dish/salad and dessert.

The Coffey Team travels to churches like ours and depends on the generosity of those churches to fund their ministry. Please consider how God may have you give to their ministry through in-person or online gifts at emmanuelbloom.com/give. Simply designate your gift "Coffey Team" and we will get it to them. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can go above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings to be a blessing to this team.