Digital Bulletin

Sunday Gathering

If you missed Sunday, you can catch up on the sermon here:

Thought for this Week

King Jesus is worthy of my all.

Weekly Prayer Focus

This week we are praying for our neighbors to the left and right of our homes.
If you don't know their names, take some time this week to intentionally connect. If you are acquainted, tell them that our church has a prayer focus each week and that you are curious how you may pray for them. 

Kids Family Worship

Each week our kids ministry meets in the gym for lessons from the Gospel Project. Below are links to the family review you can use at home!


2024 Reading Plan!

With just a few chapters each weekday, you can read through the entire Bible with us in 2024! Click below to access the PDF reading plan.
You can also find this plan on the bible tab on our app.

Next Sunday

Read ahead for next Sunday in John 11:1-57.
If you are not able to join us on Sunday, you can find the link below or in our sermon library at

Serve with Us!

As the new semester kicks off, we can use more volunteers in our midweek kids discipleship ministry. You can volunteer at

Coming Up!

Giving Dashboard

Since January 1, 2023 - $433,152.58
Budgeted Goal - $388,272.00

Week of December 24 - $7,198.31
Week of December 31 - $23,858.75
Budgeted Weekly Goal - $7,466.77
Your faithful financial support is essential for us to accomplish our collective mission.
Mail-in offerings can be sent to:
Emmanuel Church, 1503 West That Road, Bloomington, IN 47403.
In-Person offerings can be placed in the offering box in the rear of the Auditorium.
Online offerings can be given at

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